Bootie Offline

Yippeee...POS is in charge...break out the the chocolate pudding and trash bags..find the midgets...let the pudding wrestling begin!!
Who went to college, me? Nah, I was expelled from my first school for 'not trying', and was so keen to leave my second that I never even bothered to take any final exams and kept bunking off (played hookey/truant) instead..:)
(Psst! we'll wait til we're sure Bootie's out of sight then start a heated religious/political debate)

Here's my first school, 'Hell Hall' we called it, Leicester, England-

Ohhh you are under edcuated....WIKI: Gelatin shots, often known as jello shots in North America and vodka jelly or jelly shots in the UK and Australia, are a party food where some sort of alcohol, usually rum, vodka, tequila or sometimes even grain alcohol replaces some of the water or fruit juice used to congeal the gel.

Sometimes these are consumed from the belly Button of very pretty Co-eds!!
A transvestite named Ed. When he dresses up he becomes Co-Ed. Be warned that there may be hairs on the jello when you use the belly button techniques with him. And no matter what he says or how many shots you have already had, refuse his offer of a straw!!!
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