Booties planned trip to New York


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
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Ok guys Me and Mrs Bootie are going to New York for a week at Thanksgiving this year. As there are quite a few American members I was wondering what would you say is essential to go see/do. We have 6 days to fill so all suggestions welcome. Oh and if anyone fancies meeting for a beer or starbucks just drop me a mail.
Wish I had some suggestions for you. Have only been once about five years ago and that was for a New Year's Eve celebration so my memory is understandably fuzzy on details. I would suggest you hop a train from NYC and come on down to see the sights in D.C.

I am sure you will get some good suggestions and hope you have a wonderful visit!
You got a cold one waiting here in Tennessee....might even scrounge up some Jack Daniels (Me..I prefer single malts)
I will be in (..) North Berwick in mid to late June 2011. Maybe we can hoist a pint then.

If you like birds you can go and visit Bass Rock. Did that myself a couple of years ago !

Scotland is a beautiful country as it is, but if it is sunny it is about 15 times more beautiful ! Doesn't have to be warm, just sunny.
Well I wandered up and down Lex in Goog streetview like a crackhead for a good hour and still couldn't find it til I looked at its website and saw they give their address as "Radisson Lexington Hotel, 511 Lexington Ave at 48th St".
There's nothing at 155 Lex so I nipped round the corner into East 48th St and there it was at number 138, I hope your taxi driver has an easier job of finding it than me!



(Note there are two other hotels with a similar name in NY, the first is "The Radisson Hotel", and the second is "The Radisson Martinique Broadway Hotel", neither of them are near Lex Avenue)
Emp State Bldg top right-


PS- Google date the two pics '2009', so presumably the scaffolding all over the area has gone by now
Mid town was my old stomping ground when I worked uniformed patrol.. Anyone going to visit NYC can get in touch with me if you need a Sherpa guide.... :welcome:
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