Booties Response to recent debate....


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Ok guys Im not entirely comfortable with these types of thread at FGM. I can go other places on the net and thrash about with discussions like this but the FGM is not the place for it. Im going to work soon and I have removed the offending thread. From now on I dont want religious discussion on these boards. Im getting fed up with the arguments / discussion that goes back and forth in relation to it and here isnt the place for them.

The FGM is a wargaming and military history discussion club and this thread fits into neither section. At the end of the day the content of these forums and maintaining the feel good factor comes down to how I manage threads like this. I was out with the wife last night so did not catch this at the beginning and missing it we can see what it has devolved into. It is not friendly discussion, it is not tasteful to read it is not something that has a place here.

If I offend anyone removing this, tough... Im doing this for the wellbeing of the club as a whole and not for any personal belief. Here isnt the place guys.
I actually welcome that decision. Sorry if i went a bit over the top with my statements - I sincerely apologize.
Here here Bootie. I didn't read the tread, and I don't want to. I learnt many years ago not to talk religion with strangers, especially in pubs :)
lol, POOR OLD SPIKE are you one of them in you tube ? !!!:-D
Shush mate, Booties patrolling the forum, wait til he's gone down the pub then i'll start an out-of-control political debate..;)
From now on I dont want religious discussion on these boards

I agree on this one.
On one Serbian board i'm following you can't discuss religion and/or politics. Every thread that has something like that in it is deleted. It is technical board and does not need stuff like that.
Bootie, it wasn't one of my threads that I started recently, was it?
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