Breakthrough needs advice



He can't open the first Ardennes Firefight tourney file.
I sent him a second brandnew one but that won't open either
I sent it to Bootie to see if it opens for him and it does, so the trouble is at Breakthrough's end, can anybody advise him?
He says there's no error beep or error message, he just keeps getting redirected back to the multiplayer screen.
He's playing 2 other CMAK pbem games at the moment and they work fine.
Might sound silly this one, but is he shure he's opening it in CMAK?

Otherwise it beats me. Is it only with the tourney file?
Yes, I downloaded it in to my CMAK PBEM folder. Just get returned to the mult-player menu without a prompt. Thanks anyway for responding..
Problem solved! The zip file overwrote the text filed and opened. Thanks!
The text file wouldnt open. Spike sent it zipped and I could open it then. Good ole aol again...... :rollyeyes:
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