I was wondering if maybe there are any history buffs here who can tell me what the call for fire procedures were like in WW2. The reason I'm asking is because I just do not understand why a call for fire from a platoon leader, and sometimes the company commander, can take 15 minutes to send on twhen he highest realism settings.
Now, I believe the reason why there is such a delay is because it is imagined that the platoonleader sends the call for fire (cff) to his company commander, who sends it to batallion, who sends it to the batallion fire support coördination centre, who then send it to the guns.
But I seriously doubt it worked that way back then, as it is very inefficiënt and it would clutter the radio net. I would imagine that the platoon leader contacts the company commander, asks permission to switch to the batallion firesupport frequency, switches to the batallion firesupport frequency (firesupport coördination centre), gets assigned an artillery platoon and then switches to the radio frequency of this platoon to send his cff. This would take 4 minutes at the most. Add another 4 minutes to set up your call for fire (when I was an FO untill 4 years ago, I could easily complete a call for fire in 90 seconds, even without my GPS, laser range finder etc
So... where do the 15 minutes in Combat Mission come from? I feel like I have to be able to predict the future when I'm defending and have artillery available to me, but with a 15 minute delay :shocknaz:.
Now, I believe the reason why there is such a delay is because it is imagined that the platoonleader sends the call for fire (cff) to his company commander, who sends it to batallion, who sends it to the batallion fire support coördination centre, who then send it to the guns.
But I seriously doubt it worked that way back then, as it is very inefficiënt and it would clutter the radio net. I would imagine that the platoon leader contacts the company commander, asks permission to switch to the batallion firesupport frequency, switches to the batallion firesupport frequency (firesupport coördination centre), gets assigned an artillery platoon and then switches to the radio frequency of this platoon to send his cff. This would take 4 minutes at the most. Add another 4 minutes to set up your call for fire (when I was an FO untill 4 years ago, I could easily complete a call for fire in 90 seconds, even without my GPS, laser range finder etc
So... where do the 15 minutes in Combat Mission come from? I feel like I have to be able to predict the future when I'm defending and have artillery available to me, but with a 15 minute delay :shocknaz:.