Call of Duty Black ops

I hope it's better than the latest MoH... Although I guess I'll only need an afternoon or to to play through it. :biggrin1:
I loved COD4 and MW2, but my latest buy was MOH Tier 1. I thought it was a great game, not so arcade like with the COD series. In MOH targets just don't stand out like in MW2, its seems more real life.
Yes the last Call of duty was prity good , but found the Ai a bit weak and even on the hardest setting. I have seen adverts for MOH Tier 1 and have thought about buying it .
Go on give it a go. If you get it come looking for me. Callsign : wigamsp

Then look at this, see how the graphics differ from MW2, don't get me wrong MW2 still rocks.

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