Campaign opponent wanted CMBN


FGM Major
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
Northern California
A New Year, a new experience.
I've yet to try a CMBN campaign, and since my dance card is empty, time to fill it up.
I wish to play at the Iron level and will play either side. H2HH & DB preferred.
No ladder games, as I haven't the brain cells left to rub together to figure it out.
Anyone else want to give it a try?
I'm not familiar with the set-up, can you extend it to the next pack once underway, or must you play only the individual size packs? In any case, I'd prefer the longer version if we're to do any.
Well you can play the Allied Campaign by following the flow chart.... it shows what battles are next based upon the winning condition... so it is like playing the campaign vs ai but you have a human opponent... any questions just ask... and now with 2.0 there will be no 'wire' issues!!!! I also believe with some of the game play changes in 2.0 it will play better (armor arc being a big one, along with target briefly)... if you require any info let me know
OK Facman, we'll do the full campaign. It will be an interesting few months ahead :)

I will place the pdf. files in the shared folder.

Basically, we will use the flow chart (below) and the battle result will resolve how the campaign unfolds.

As you are the thread starter here I insist you should be the one to pick (U.S. or German) then I'll set up the first battle and every battle there after.

What is your preferred battle setting ? warrior, iron, or elite ?

Yo Nate!
I prefer the Iron setting and will play the Americans. I look forward to the unfolding of this story.
With the author, Fredrocker offering his assistance should we need it, this will be a blast.
Remember that the results in the flow chart are for the Allied side.... thus first batte... any allied win or a draw, or a minor defeat will lead you to Night Recon, any defeat greater then a minor will result in Goin Country as the next battle...

I also suggest that each of you get a copy of the commanders handbook for your side...
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