
Does anyone know where I find BILTONG CAMPAIGN RULES for Combat Mission?
Whatever they are, some people felt they were over-complex, I last heard of them being discussed in 2003.
Anyway we have more than enough talent at FGM to create our own Campaign Rules and anything else if we wanted to, it's not rocket science as long as we stick to the old military maxim KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)..:)
Whatever they are, some people felt they were over-complex, I last heard of them being discussed in 2003.
Anyway we have more than enough talent at FGM to create our own Campaign Rules and anything else if we wanted to, it's not rocket science as long as we stick to the old military maxim KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)..:)

I think that Some's that up nicely POS.......:thumb:
I think that Some's that up nicely POS.......:thumb:

Yes mate, i'd enter more tourneys if I could understand the rules, so in the meantime I stick to my own sensational tourneys which all have the same simple rule, namely- "You play one game (or a mirror) against me, and whoever beats me by the highest margin wins the tourney"

I subscribe to Colin Powell's views about simplicity- "Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand"
-Gen. Colin Powell
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