Campaign Series Middle East

For some reason, I am holding off. When I started with the Avalon Hill table top games Panzer Blitz and Panzer Leader, I loved them. Then, AH came out with a game called the Arab & Isreali Wars, so I got it. By comparison, it just did not have the same feel, and I stopped plying it.

If someone has a review of the game, I would like to hear. I might be convinced. I am still playing CS WF and CS EF2 and enjoying it.
It looks like HPS Simulations Middle East '67 but the unit information is on the right and the toolbar is along the bottom. It covers the same time period. I like Middle East '67. I'm not sure what this adds to the genre.
It looks like HPS Simulations Middle East '67 but the unit information is on the right and the toolbar is along the bottom. It covers the same time period. I like Middle East '67. I'm not sure what this adds to the genre.

It's actually quite different. The theme may be the same, but everything else is different.

From scale of the units (they are platoons), scale of the maps (250m per hex), to the many different battles that are covered. French in Algeria? Egypt in Yemen? UK in Aden? Quite the variety of new goodies indeed!

Of course, there is the full suite of editors so you can still design to your hearts content.
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