Campaign - Work in progress



So i've decided to make a campaign for the british forces module, lets see how this goes. I have already created one mission which is hopefully being playtested soon but you will only play it if you lose the first mission.

Our location for this first battle:

Tell Abvad - Northern Syria

Here is the shot im using from google earth as a reference, rotated 20 degrees or so CCW to make it fit the CM map better


Here's how far i've got with the map so far, i'm going to have to "bend" the town slightly as you only have 8 directions in which roads can go, not many of which fit in with the real life town. So far i've got some basic housing laid down and the basic road network but there is a long way to go!


This was one of the pictures of the town on google earth. This road goes out of the town to the Turkish border, so this will be where the main route which the british armoured force will have to pass down. Credit goes to Roadiemullet for the picture find and christening this one "RPG alley"


And here's an early development shot of so called "RPG alley"

RPG alley is coming along nicely


I'm going to add as much detail as i can to the western part of the town as that is where you will be fighting, the eastern edge pretty much acts as a covered route for enemy reinforcements so won't need to be as detailed.
The northwest corner of the map has been laid out, some extra detail added in, need to go through every one of those buildings and cap the no of windows on a wall to 3, make them the thin type windows and generally add detailed. What have i let myself in for . . . . . . .

About 50% of the map done, unfortunately it's the easiest 50% of the map lol. The northeastern corner of the map is going to be the hardest to do as this is where the majority of the buildings are.

Another look at the reference picture I'm using


And here is a top down view of the map


looking south-west from RPG alley


Looking out over the British staging zone


I've had to guess at a lot of the building layouts as the resolution on google earth of this area is pretty poor, but overall i think the layout looks about right
A shot of the town market, I'm guessing most of you will be avoiding this like the plague lol

Thanks, it's going to be a while before it's properly finished. But when it is i'm going to release it as a stand alone scenario and a map only for those with out british forces if anyone want's to have some fun on it : )
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