Can you use charges to Blast an enemy tank?



So here is a question. I just finished a game where I was playing Brit Paratroopers. Some of my squads had a guy labeled as anti-tank but I didn't see any particular weapon that would explain that. What I did notice is that every squad that had this label was also carrying demo charges. Were they expecting my guys to run up to the tank and put the charge on it directly? How would I even do that? Can you use a blast command to move a demo team over a tank?
They may have a short throwing distance with their demo charge.
When you set the blast command, keep that in mind, otherwise they won't complete the blast order or throw it and it will land short.
That my input on that...base from my playing CMBN.
I have read somewhere (I think on the Battlefront forums) where someone claimed that their men threw demo charges at a tank knocking it out. I've yet to see that happen. I have taken out light vehicles that I knew were hiding behind a wall or bocage and issued a blast command to blast a hole through the wall/bocage with expected results to the vehicle on the other side. Same should work on a tank I think.
I have read somewhere (I think on the Battlefront forums) where someone claimed that their men threw demo charges at a tank knocking it out. .....k.

Yeah, I read the same posting, plus it said the range was very short between 20m(one post) and another said 30m.
My brother and I tested this with several squad/section/team types (engineers, infantry, armored infantry). We did manage to destroy or disable the tanks but after close frame by frame inspection and post weapon/ammo count, it was never due to the sachel charge but to either grenades or rifle grenades. The little gomers just got into the dead zone around the tank and pounded it with whatever they had. The ones without grenades/rifle grenades, but with sachel charges, never succeeded.

I have no way of knowing for positive, but from my experience/testing, sachel charges were non contributors in destroying the tanks.
Ok, you can't create a tank with no ammo so this is just a tank being attacked by a Breach Team, at 30 and 15 metres they just use grenades, but within 10 metres they use the charge without setting a blast command, which destroys the tank completely. (I turned smoke off for the first picture)

I have seen this happen in games before. This is also a quote from the BF forum. The link is included. I believe the poster put up pics to show the charge being thrown.
Remember the good ol days of CMx1 when you could use the "area fire" command for engineers and watch them throw their satchel charges with great destruction......ah those were the days. :)
I remember that tanks would push destroyed or damaged tanks and vehicles out of the way. I have not seen this in CMBN.
Too bad the pictures have already been deleted for whatever reason... Would have liked to know if it was for real or just a joke.

Well, maybe I get a couply of my engineers into position one of these days...
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