Cargol new ladder leader!



For the first time in 6 months, POS is no longer sitting at the top of the ladder as Greek Cargol ousts him!


Shocked Brit POS fans go on the rampage in Athens, led by Kanellos the riot dog..

Ah, it always comes down to violence or sex. But since I've never seen any sex going on 'round here, violence seems to be the only thing left... :)
I think that it is a conspiracy to keep the rest of us from getting to the top position in the ladder. Cargol and POS are in it together...:rollyeyes:
Nah mate, I'm knackered after playing 146 games back-to-back over the past 6 months, that's about 6 games per week including 42 defeats, and now I'm being carried off for some R&R for a while-

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