Carl Sagan



I got fed up of Sagan always gushing about the "wonders" of the universe and using colour-enhanced photos and computer simulations to paint it more interesting than it really is.
To me, the universe out there is a dead lifeless place of mere atoms and molecules, yet Sagan seemed to worship it as if it were a god, but as he was an atheist I suppose it was therefore the only god he had.
(Atheist Richard Dawkins is the same, except his 'god' is the theory of evolution.)
There's an interesting episode in Star Trek where The Traveller offers to take Wesley on a tour of the universe, and of course Wes is all for it.
Me, I'd have answered "thanks but no thanks mate, I'd just be bored" an infinite universe there are infinite possibilities....
I will have to confess to being a huge Carl Sagan fan. I first got hooked as a teenager when seeing his "Cosmos" series when it first aired on PBS. Personally, I found his enthusiasm and childlike wonder at the world and universe around us pretty infectious. Yes, he did like to gush but he sure helped me get hooked on astronomy. I can remember watching with wide eyes along with my father as some of the first pictures were sent back from Viking, Pioneer, and Voyager with Sagan doing his excited play-by-play of what we were seeing. I still do so today whether it be pictures from Hubble, the Mars Rovers, Cassini or some other ship humankind has sent to explore other worlds. He wrote a number of good books as well though I may be most fond of his non-fiction work "Contact" (the book was much better than the movie of course). If I recall he was an outspoken propenent for the world controlling nuclear arms development....not a bad thing in my book.

The universe is a pretty amazing place. Think I might have to go dust off my telescope now.

I tried to hit up Mt.Pinos in Los Angeles county to view the `cosmos` last evening, unfortunately we've had some abnormal weather!

-I find Sagan to be a great inspiration for those in need of a muse and insight to something the average person cannot grasp..
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