Chat Room

If you want something said, and for it to remain, and have comments made, that is what this bulletin board is for. A chat room is for the moment. Now, if our chat room content could be saved for future reference, then the chat room would be really useful for keeping minutes of live meetings, and such. Otherwise, a nice place to have a real time conversation.
That's because your old and that is to high tech for you.:lol: Sometime I wonder just how many of these smilies could be used, so here is one that fits. If you go into the chatroom the old adage of wearing a tinfoil hat :tinfoil3: is important to make the text stay on the page. If you wear a :tinfoil3: to long around electronics you will puke:puke: and something you maynot also have to worry about is getting preggers:preggers:. There you have it easy a pie:pizza: so sit back sing a song:sing: have a tea:tea: some popcorn:popcorn: and enjoy the chatroom. Bye for now:eek:hwell:
That's because your old and that is to high tech for you.:lol: Sometime I wonder just how many of these smilies could be used, so here is one that fits. If you go into the chatroom the old adage of wearing a tinfoil hat :tinfoil3: is important to make the text stay on the page. If you wear a :tinfoil3: to long around electronics you will puke:puke: and something you maynot also have to worry about is getting preggers:preggers:. There you have it easy a pie:pizza: so sit back sing a song:sing: have a tea:tea: some popcorn:popcorn: and enjoy the chatroom. Bye for now:eek:hwell:

At least it allowed you to play with the smilies, so that
is some thing else I have allowed you to learn........LOL
That's because your old and that is to high tech for you.:lol:

Hey kiddy, i'm an oldy too (61) but it's not so bad, I know how to make nice cups of bedtime cocoa, I know which are the best brands of comfy warm slippers, I know the words of all the old pop songs, I know how to fill in my pension claim forms, I know how to apply for a free pensioners bus pass, and i know how to top CM ladders..;)

Hey kiddy, i'm an oldy too (61) but it's not so bad, I know how to make nice cups of bedtime cocoa, I know which are the best brands of comfy warm slippers, I know the words of all the old pop songs, I know how to fill in my pension claim forms, I know how to apply for a free pensioners bus pass, and i know how to top CM ladders..;)


Nice one one POS.....Thought we all new how to make a nice cuppa, but then perhaps it belongs with the older
generation......And best of all we know how to get to old age that is some thing.......Food for thought
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