Churchill used dum-dums



As a young officer Churchill carried a Mauser pistol in the Sudan and later in the Boer War and used dum-dum ammo for maximum damage, it's typical of the man, no wimpy ordinary ammo for him..:)

Here's where he was captured by the Boers-

"Once the reality of his capture had set in it dawned on Churchill that he still had two clips of Mauser ammunition from Omdurman. Officially known as MK 1V and MK V issue they were more commonly known as Dum Dum’s. These were soft-nosed or expanding bullets which disintegrated when they hit a persons body and had been outlawed at the Hague Conference the previous July and Churchill knew it. When his guard was not looking Churchill dropped one clip but the other was seen in his hand. This Churchill excused as having just picked it up from the ground which the guard accepted and they were thrown away."

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