Claiming ribbons



Reminder for new members and everybody else--when you qualify for a ribbon, don't forget to claim it by clicking "Awards" near the top of the screen, then click "Request Award" against the name of the ribbon you want.
That'll notify Bootie and he'll pin it on your chest when he gets back from work or the pub..:)


New ribbons are created from time to time for new tourneys etc, (hey tourney organisers don't forget to tell Bootie to create a new ribbon for your tourney) and below is a screenshot of the current ribbons list (Nov 2010)-




PS- if you cursor over anybody's ribbons you can see what they're for.
(The CM Ladder ribbon is one of the easiest to get, you get it simply for completing at least one ladder game, win or lose)..:)

Well presumably our beloved Fuhrer Bootie is still down the pub starting bar-room brawls so i'll answer for him as best I can-
When tourneys enter their final stages, it's up to the Tourney Organiser to tell Bootie, so he can create a new ribbon for it and add it to the ribbons list.
(Usually there are two ribbons per tourney, one for the winner with a small gold cup in it, and an ordinary ribbon (without the cup) for the other poor slobs)
Then when the tourney ends, everybody goes to the Awards screen and requests their ribbon.
I see there's no 'Last Man Standing 2' ribbons in the list, so organiser Rico had better go tell Bootie, and he can also tell him to create LMS3 ribbons at the same time..:)

PS- If somebody abandons or drops out of a tourney or any other sort of competition without good reason, or starts returning files very slowly, an FGM club rule is that he WON'T get a ribbon, even if he requests it.
Basically people only get ribbs if they FINISH their tourney/competition games within the time limit.
It's up to the organiser to tell Bootie who the deserters and slow-arses are..;)
PS- sometimes people forget to claim ribbons they're entitled to, whether they're for tourneys or something else, so the rest of us can either drop them a PM to remind them, or else we can PM Bootie and tell him so-and-so has forgot to claim a ribbon.
For example I've just noticed Badjuju has been posting Mods but he hasn't claimed the Modders Ribbon, so i've just brought it to Bootie's attention..;)
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