CM frustration

Just playing a scenario snow covered with troops on ski's, and you might have guessed it you can't get ski troops to hide, it's OK when you get use to it but still a bit frustrating.......I have posted different thing's in the gaming just throwing this as well, never the less it's still a fine game this CM .......I have just bought CMSF, got it on Ebay for £6-99 got a good bargain there and it's brand new.
i am trying to get back into CMSF, but the good bits sound like they are in all the new mods, but with Christmas coming juts a bit too much. 4 kids and a wifey suck the pay packet dry very quickly, not to forget all the brothers and sisters, mother, outlaws........
I know exactly how you feel - just lost a platoon HQ together with its transport in the blink of an eye because I parked them right in front of an RPG team... :RpS_cursing:

With regard to CMSF: It heavily depends on what you like. If you don't care for Germans, Dutch or Canadians, don't get NATO. If you don't care for the USMC, don't get the Marines module. You'll miss a few additional Syrian vehicles, but nothing really important (although the T-90 is a tough opponent and the Shilka is an awesome toy...). One can already have a lot of fun with the base game.
Thats a good points EOG, I am busy upgrading with patches to get it up to date.

Whats your favorite type of battles ?
My favorite type is a battle in which there aren't any recoilless guns and/or heavy AT weapons. Most of the time you'll already have lost two tanks until you can properly identify the location of the enemy AT team. You'll learn to hate (and fear) those heavy AT teams...

I was careless in the above instance, but my MBTs all have suffered damage to some degree. Not quite sure I'll actually make it to the final mission of the campaign...
I can see them being like that is real life, hard to spot and easy for the trained operator to kills a MBT with. Sneaky little buggers. :brick:
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