CM Map Designers


Darth Panzer


I was wondering if there is a section for map designers like myself who can share resources, maps and just have a discussion about good map design.

I think that good map design, really enhances the CM players experience, there is nothing more rewarding then loading a map with amazing detail, where you study the terrain you are about to fight on against either the AI or best played against a real player.

For myself as a map designer / player, I spend a lot of time looking at the map.

It should be mandatory for every player, especially new players to fly around the map and check out all avenues of attack as well as defence. Not only on your side of the map but from the perspective of your attacking player.

For me if I am playing a QB map, I prefer to play on a player crafted map, ( eg. If I create my own detailed map and have a match against someone where we would set points, etc, I would send them the map so that they can load it into the map editor and study the terrain, get a feel for where they are fighting on... basically Recon the map. ) This way we both are starting off basically equal.

Plus player set up zones are such that you are able to spread out your forces.

Also I like maps that aren't always sunny, warm and dry conditions. I prefer maps with weather details that present a another challenge to both players, Heavy fog, damp, rain, snow etc. Just my thoughts.

Also prefer to play on scenario maps ( again detailed crafted player maps that someone has taken the time to research and area where a battle has taken place. )

If I get my mojo going again I'm going to create new maps. Maybe I'll even finish the Overloon map (with the Final Blitzkrieg)
Hi Dutch,

Lets hope that you do and if so will look forward to playing your scenario ( even help beta test it for you );)
One of my favorite things about CM is making maps.... I have been on the ropes the last 4-5 months but getting back into action... anytime you want to talk maps let me know...

Hi TeddyR

Look forward to our conversations about maps :)
If I get my mojo going again I'm going to create new maps. Maybe I'll even finish the Overloon map (with the Final Blitzkrieg)

Hope you can do some tricks and transfer your existing work between CMBN and CMFB!

@Darth Panzer - The FGM used to have a forum section dedicated to map/scenario makers to share resources, tips and updates on projects, however it was only being looked at by a very small number of people and even fewer were posting.

The old threads can now be found under the Musket Room forum if you want to do digging into club history. (Circa 2012-2014).
Thanks Ithikial,

I will check out the archives, much appreciated.
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