CM TCP question?


USS Wyoming

Greetings all,

I play TCP about once a year and always forget the routine. I have Hamchi (latest version). Silentotto (also on hamachi) and I tried to finish out our Kampfgruppe game by TCP, but I can't remember the routine for switching from PBEM to TCP.

Could someone kindly clue me in? Who hosts? Why Hamchi doesn't connect? How do you load a PBEM file for TCP? How about a sticky so I won't have to ask the same questions next year.

To switch from PBEM to TCP/IP

Get a file where you can issue orders, save the game. Quit the game and load up that save file, it will give you the option to resume it PBEM, Hotseat or TCP/IP. That should be all you need
Thanks. I could recall saving the game, but didn't know at what stage. I shall give it a whirl.
Alright, I got it figured how toload a PBEM to TCP. Now, Silentotto and I have both got hamachi. Silentotto is on my guest list and we can chat away, but we both get errors when trying to connect from the game.

Any suggestions?
At this moment I would say itis "unable to connect to specified IP address", but I'm asking silentotto if he recalls it differently.
Are you entering your hamachi IP address? You can't use your normal computer one. Make sure that you both have hamachi launched too.
Yes. Silentotto had to download hamachi and I had to update mine. I passed him the IP address at the top of the Hamchi dialogue box for him to enter. I assume that Hamachi was launched for both of us as we were chatting using hamachi IM.
The only thing I can think of is perhaps a firewall issue. Strange......Hamachi is nearly fool proof.
Lord Bane
I re-started my computer today and noted that it asked me about the hamachi network and if i wanted to make it 'safe". Maybe I needed to restart after updating. We'll run another test.
Me and my friend who TCP/IP have a weird problem with hamachi, I can't host CMBB games and he cant host CMAK games, its so strange and i don't know why it happens. But it might be worth doing it PBEM until your opp can load up an orders file and host the game himself.
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