CMBN/CMFI System Requirements



Are they CPU/GPU intensive or memory intensive. I am looking at upgrading the ol' pc and was wondering about what I should be aware of when upgrading. Any suggestions?
I am running 8gbs of DDR3 and a 7950 graphics card overclocked
Are you just looking to increase your CM performance or other games too?

From what I see your system is probably better than most people running CM. 8 gigs are plenty and your video card is more than sufficient to run CM. Your processor is also on par. Your system is probably a little better than mine and I have no problems running CM on maxed out settings.
My Specs:
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Processor: Intel Core i5-3570k 3.40ghz
Memory: 8.00 GB of RAM
Video Cards: EVGA GeForce GTX 470 SuperClocked
Mother Board: EVGA nForce 750i SLI
Direct X: 11.0

Check out this:

Some people claim high end machines with slow frame rates and others claim old shitty machines with good frame rates. Got me? BF claims the game is running all types of calculations in the background so maybe the processor plays the biggest role? Others disputed this by asking why the map editor chugs along when you scroll across a rather large map. With no calculations going on it should be somewhat smooth.
Because CM is a 32bit process it can only address and utilize approximately 4GB of memory.
The 4GB limit refers to total addressable memory space and not just the RAM installed. It's a total made up of system RAM, graphics RAM, PCI memory range, ACPI and a few other bits and pieces.

So forget adding RAM until CM goes 64bit.

Your GPU is one generation newer than mine.
I'm currently running a game on a 3.8km map, with high quality settings and a total of 24000 points worth of units on the field, cleanly and smoothly.

You should be able to max out the quality settings in CM no problem at all.
You've got no reason to upgrade, unless it's for something other than CM.
@eniced73, @WynnterGreen : Arma III and few other games I have on Steam have slow framerates, like Rome Total War for instance.

But in the case of CMBN, Is 30 fps with a couple of companies on the field a good fps for Combat Mission, with mods installed? Or should I be up around 60 fps?

I'm unsure either way, but my CMBN gets choppy at times. Do you think it might be the amount of mods I have installed?
Arma III I can understand putting a load on your system, it's resource hungry and will soak up everything that you can throw at it.

But with CM, it's actually the game software that's the bottle-neck.
Your system, basically, should be running it as well as it can be run.

What's your FPS in the game we're currently playing, with model and texture options set to best and AA on?

As for Mods. I'm running high definition textures, all of Aris vehicle models. sound mods, etc.... on a system slightly more modest than yours. So theoretically you shouldn't have any issues.
I'm around 25-30 fps if the shadows and shaders are on. If neither, then I am 25-40 fps in our game. I'm running loads of mods too. This performance stuff is also a problem in CMFI. I'd like to be somewhere in the 60s fps wise, but the game is only 32 bit so I don't know if I can make it.

AA is always on. I never notice a difference in model quality, so I set it to improved.
Don't make the mistake I made earlier in the year. I bought a new PC, 4GB RAM, 1GB Graphics card and I thought hey this will do, paid my cash brought it home and hey presto CM didn't work, the power module was to weak and the graphics card was incompatible.
So I got one custom built with a 750W power module with all the bells and whistles. I use the other PC for music and movies and other people to use. No one is allowed near the CM machine :)
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