CMBN Commonwealth Forces - Representing the Challenge of Inter Arm Cooperation

Unremarkable Sunray

FGM New Member
Jun 21, 2024
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Hi everyone,

I've been playing through the historic missions on CMBN:CW while reading the history of the Normandy campaign and I keep coming across a recurring theme for the Brits; Infantry and Armour units were often thrown together into battle, despite having never trained or fought alongside each other. I get the impression that rotations of units also played into this, and at worst they just seemed to be in the same area with different plans based on their unit tactics?
  • My main question is how could this problem be demonstrated in game?
  • Could I objectively play both units whilst having the full borg mind picture of the battle?
  • Has anyone ever managed to play with two commanders for one side?
    • i.e. player X plays the infantry, saves their moves and hands that file to player Y who loads that file adds their moves for their armour, then they press play (or send the PBEM file to an opponent)
    • Is this just creating the slowest game ever?
The next mission is Colossal Crack which covers GOODWOOD, this time I have a rough understanding of the outcome but looking at the map and brief would roughly like to:
  1. Task the infantry clear the settlements (Soliers or Four)
  2. Task the armour to storm up to the ridge?
Any thoughts, comments, ideas welcome..

I think it would be quite hard to emulate that disconnect in game without any bias to be fair. Even two people working together would only be able to emulate this if they were to discuss their strategy say every 10 turns.

As for your Op Goodwood Scenario you would need to clear Four and Soliers first as they were bristling with anti-tank guns who decimated the 2nd Fife and Forfars on their charge up to the Bourgebus Ridge. Historically the 2nd F&F Yeomanry did not have enough infantry or artillery to throw into the attack so the tanks were racing against unsuppressed AT guns. C Squadron got obliterated in a matter of minutes by von Lucks forces earlier in the battle. A & B did manage to advance further but suffered heavy casualties in those fields between the 2 villages.

I would advance quickly on the villages first under smoke and area fire and once cleared would then assess my losses and if I had enough to carry the day on up the ridge.
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