CMBN:CW Opponent Wanted, My Canadians -vs- You!


Mauser GDog

I am thoroughly enjoying my return to CM gaming, and I actually think I have remembered how to use H2HH and Dropbox now... :D

I would like to add another battle to my list, this time fighting as my Brave Canadians.

So, if you'd like to test your mettle against some Canucks, let me know and we can set something up.

I'd be happy to test my mettle against your Canucks. My email is in my profile, drop me a game whenever you like.
Before I setup, take a look at QB Map 248. If you don't object to the map, I figured my boys need a challenge.

I'm leaning towards limiting your defenders to Mech Inf and I assault with a realistic mixed force.

Play it out as an allied force moving inland in June, a few days after the landings. They meet their first major inland objective (Town 248) defended by your Mechanized Infantry. Your orders are to if not repel, stall my advance.
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