CMBN Map issue - Help



Guys can anyone help.

CDavid and I have set up a game, but the map we have chosen appears to only have one set up area (red) do we have to scrap the game and pick a new map or is there a fix?

I seem to think I have seen a discussion about map weirdness but aint tracked it down...

All help gratefully received!
Guys can anyone help.

CDavid and I have set up a game, but the map we have chosen appears to only have one set up area (red) do we have to scrap the game and pick a new map or is there a fix?

I seem to think I have seen a discussion about map weirdness but aint tracked it down...

All help gratefully received!

Haven't come across this (only one setup zone) before: the QB example I have experienced is where the setup zones do not swap sides as necessary when you choose which side will be the attacker, and which the defender. So, for example, you choose to attack as Axis, but you get the defender setup zone as yours for your Axis troops, which already sit on top of the VLs - instead of the game giving you the attacker setup zones. (Make sense?)

Not this happening? i.e. the other zone is just not where you expect it to be?

In any case, I think the only remedy is to edit the map before you use it, to make the zones as you want them in terms of side and suitable location.
@PhilM Many thanks for that - it is an odd one I was being lazy and hoping to avoid the whole pick forces and start again scenario! Hey ho.

My issue was I have no units to deploy - which I assume is because they are in a setup area which doesn't exist.

I will have some experimentation and move on from there. All the best!
Was it a BF-supplied QB map you were trying to use? Or one from outside the game, downloaded?

If the former, if you let me know the map name and number I can load it up and see what I get?
PhilM - cheers mate.

It was a QB small map 072 - I have opened it in the editor and I can see two setup zones. And the axis one is the one I can see when I load up, so my first thought seems to have been incorrect, it isn't a map issue - its that none of my purchased units have pulled through to deploy. Weird. Wouldn't care but for a change I took real care creating what I thought would be a nice force and look how they repay me - go all ninja so I can't even see em!

Hey ho...
I know what you mean about having spent ages in the (not very user friendly) force selection screen to get something you think is just right and fits within the points you've got - and then kaput!, it doesn't work for some reason. Maddening!

Of all the coincidences, though, I realised as I test loaded the map that I am in the middle of playing a "duplicate" tournament game on this very map over at WeBoB. (You play 2 games at the same time, one each of being Allies and Axis: see what happens when you have both the opposing forces to handle. Good fun!) The two games on this map loaded fine for both me and my opponent when we began, so it looks like a glitch just for you ... not that that makes it any better for you!

Hope you get your game started ok eventually.
What was the map QB 072 a size 672-304m... if so, then if you loaded any modules, CW or MG... there will be two files in your Quickbattle Directory... 'Meet Small Rough (bocage) QB-072' and 'Meet Small Rough (bocage) QB-072 (2)', delete the second one as it is wrong and has no setup zone. This has happened to me a couple times... Apparently one of the modules loads dups and some are bad...

Not sure if this is your problem... and remember when a map is designed for an Allied Attack per se, if you use that map in QB for a German attack, your setup zones will be backwards... QB maps are designed by some for specific three things Axis Attack, Allied Attack, or Meeting... you can substitute the words Prod or Assault for Attack... Just some food for thought...

Let me know what you find out..

Having just seen Fredrocker's post, my comments were about:

Holland City Small Meet 072.btt

If that wasn't the one you were trying, then disregard my above comments!

Though looking through my files, I don't seem to have (in a standard install) the "(2)" named second copy of that other file???

The QB maps could do with being uniquely numbered, I think, as an aside ...
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Ok... sorry... only thing I can think of is when you setup the QB did you use the region France or Holland... sounds like a dilemma...

Also BFC could use a battle way to find 'SEARCH' for files when using the editor...

You called the map spot on but sadly when I check the folder I don't have a dupe. Could they have solved the Duping issue but are keeping the wrong version? How would I tell? As I posted earlier if I open it in editor it appears to have two setup zones.

Equally (and thanks again for both your helps) I have moved on - trying again with a different map!
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