CMBN Scenario



Just got back from vacation and have room for one, maybe two battles. Wanting to play an interesting scenario (blind) perhaps of the MG variety but not picky about that. Looking to play at a leisurely pace but would always try to get at least 1 file in a day.

I like to post games on both ladders (Blitz and FGM) but if you are not on da Blitz that's okay.

PM me or reply here with a scenario you want to play and I'll pick the side if I haven't played it yet. Rematch, we switch and you get to pick the side.

Hey Buddy, sounds good. I don't really have anything in mind and am good to go with whatever, big medium or large.

I'll wait for you to get back to me later.
Looks like a good one. I'll defend. Could you please set it up and send it to our DB folder? Thanks
I'm game for a MG scenario! Size doesn't matter, side doesn't matter. Feel free to set up a game and send it to my dropbox, if you'd like to play against me.
Hi Raging Bunny, welcome to the FGM. I'll PM you with some suggestion and we can go from there.

Okay, that's it for now, my plate is full.
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