CMBN: Side Preference

I'm ok with either side, but lean towards the Axis because I feel I have a better feel for the equipment and it's abilities. I'm going to have a hard time with Commonwealth. I know nothing about British weapons....

This game is so much like chess for me. Each "piece" has a specific capability.
I prefer the designing side, but when I do step away from that, I like................ well both sides.......... I am living proof that both sides are capable of losing.... :)
Herr DG Ist wie immer auf der deutschen Seite

My Panthers are waiting to make the "Tommy Cooker" reputation true
I prefer the Allied side. first choice is the British. (if that wasn't obvious already)
mTk, if we get enough responses I will setup a table and post it as a Sticky...
I prefer the Germans, because I've taught myself to speak, read and write German. They are also the underdog when fighting the US, and I always back the underdogs...
It's Germany for me with their menacing tanks and machine guns.
I like playing both sides. This way I know each weaken and strengths.
I prefer allies except when I run into a 'shark' (not you Nort)...I swear I've faced more Panthers and Tigers than the German's ever produced.
I play either side with equal enthusiasm, but I am really looking forward to the British as that was my favourite nation in CMBO. You become a much better player when all your infantry is armed with Lee Enfields and all your tanks are Cromwells, you can't just bulldoze forward with them. :encouragement:
Preference: Allies - British/Polish/Canadian/US in that order.

Don't mind playing Axis if the circumstance/need arises.
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