CMBN v3.1/Vehicle pack: hotkeys???


FGM Lieutenant
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
I have installed v3.1 ... and find that the default hotkeys have changed in this version??

Anyone else experience this?

Ive never used, nor had loaded, anything other than the default set in the v 2.2/3.0 that I installed the pack and patch over ... so I'm assuming this change is part of v3.1?

Are there by any chance two sets of hotkeys included, and i need to switch to the "old" ones? Or do I need to edit these manually? (Or get used to the new ones!)

I took away my mod folder before and during the patching, and replaced it afterwards, so I am using "old", pre v3.1, mods ... but none of them affected hotkeys, as far I could tell previously.

Had the same problem. Some of the controls were in totally off. Rearranged everything through the option menu inside CM.
Posted this issue on the Battlefront forum, and got the answer from YankeeDog:

The new CLEAR MINES command is screwing things up. Fortunately, it's an easy fix.

Here's what you need to do:

Add lines for the CLEAR MINES command to your hotkeys.txt file; it should come right after MARK MINES. You can leave it blank (i.e., no key assignment) if you'd like, but it has to be there or all of the other keyboard commands get shifted one command.​

The correction works, now back as before. (The changed hotkeys were not "random", but all shifted by one place in the command list after the new "Clear mines" command. The above fix puts things back as they were before.)

With regard to Bootie's answer on alternative sets (though that wasn't the issue this time), there are alternative files in the data folder that can be brought into use by renaming the default to something else, and then renaming the alternative you want to use to the default name, and that file gets used instead.
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