CMBN Video Contest - February 2012 - (WINNER - Facman)




The FGM - CMBN Video Contest for February 2012... A prize will be awarded monthly (Most will be duplicate publications from Fredrockers 1200 Book/Magazines Library, mailed directly to the winner) along with a ribbon for his FGM collection.

The Rules -

1) Video must be at least 15 seconds long
2) Video's can only contain CMBN action (mulitple action sequences are fine, ie. perspective from both units, etc) and edited wording or captions
3) Judgement will be on creativity, action, camera angles, etc...

Good luck and enjoy... First prize will be a softcover 493 page 1999 copy of Stalingrad by Anthony Beevor... The book is in good condition...

and also awarded to the winner will be an electronic version of World at War Magazine (Issue 2) 64 pages in PDF format...

Good luck to all that enter
It's called death from above :)
Bad thing was that after that hit my plane was straffing over and over again the dead Stug!!
I had a similar experience at our other game only that my Infantry was at the receiving end and believe me it wasnt good for them :)
CMBN Panzernahkampf or How to stop a M4 Sherman

presented to you in Youtube Cinemascope:


So that's what it looked like from your side.....
Hey Rico, stake some claim on that land and put in a swimming pool, sell tickets to get in the pool to the Allied Troops as the advance by... lol... Then you can buy a new StuG
Here's my first ever video
It covers the firefight on my left flank in the Domination fight for hex 2812.
My Allied Airborne are taking it to some Ge infantry threatening my left flank.
As the fight unfolds, I will discover an 81mm Mortar,and a 75mm IG deployed on the left edge of screen. Both will be destroyed in the next several turns, as well as the Stummel HT.

Nice one Facman, see... it wasnt tooo tough.... lots of lead flying in that one.... :)
As the fight continues, another 75mm IG is discovered.
On the left edge you can see the abandoned IG, Mortar and the destroyed Stummel.

Here are some quick videos:

Devil's descent campaign (awesome!) our turn mission

FIrst vid:A sniper and his team..but mainly holding off 2 marders plus tons of infantry on my left flank..

And second one (for those who say building arent offering protection)..My 2 man scout squad receive massive fire from Germans..You can see their building gets hit by a panzerscheck.Still no one is hit and they manage to destroy a marder III with grenades and small arms fire..(sorry for camera angles lol)

In this vid, an American squad defends the chapel in the Sie Kommen Tourney, Sec 114-124 scenario.
The action takes place in the 31st minute.


In this vid, an American squad defends the chapel in the Sie Kommen Tourney, Sec 114-124 scenario.
The action takes place in the 31st minute.


In a really close competition (many fine Video's....) Facman's video captures the prize for February... The intensity of the different weapon sounds and the Axis troops slipping over the hill and between the trees, nudged this video to first place...

Good job to all... and get those video's ready for March...
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