CMBN vs Flames of War (looking for opponent)

  • Thread starter Dutch Grenadier
  • Start date

Dutch Grenadier

I'm looking for an opponent who knows how to create Flames of War lists and is in possesion of the latest D-day book (

I'll play Panzer Lehr from the Atlantik Wall book.
3000 points
1h 30min battle
elite setting

(of course not all units form a list can be choosing. Like AA units)

So who's up for this?

If you don't know about Flames of War but you are interested I'll help.
What's this? It's been almost 24h and no reply??? Where are the days when people needed to get in line to grap a battle? ;)
Alright perhaps I need to explain. What you do is you go to (if you dont have an acount I'll give you my password). You then create a list from the Overlord book (3000 points). I shall then create your army in editor and we are good to go.

Here is my OOB
Panzer Lehr

2x HQ team, 2x panzerschreck team, 3x SdKfz251/1

Combat platoons
Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier platoon: 3x squad, 3x panzerschreck team, HQ, 1x SdKfz251/10, 3x SdKfz251/1

Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier platoon: 3x squad, 3x panzerschreck team, HQ, 1x SdKfz251/10, 3x SdKfz251/1

Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier platoon: 3x squad, 3x panzerschreck team, HQ


2x SdKfz251/9 Stummel

PaK40 platoon: HQ, 3x PaK40

Panther platoon: 3x Panther

Panzer platoon: 5x PzIVH

Gepanzerte Aufklarung platoon: HQ, 6x aufklarung team, 7x SdKfz250/1, 1x SdKfz250/10, 2x SdKfz250/9

Flak88 platoon: 3x Flak88

Artillery platoon: 4x medium howitzer, 2x observer, 2x SdKfz250/1

Exactly 3000 points

So pick a nation

Pick a company
Tank, mechanised, infantry... So many choices to be made. I'll help
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Well, I'll need some assisting on the flames of war bit, by my slots just lets have at it. We looking at an attack/defend or some sort of meeting engagement?

Though I will need your password/account for easy army. For two dollars, I'll happily access the overlord lists. Pm away my good sir.
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The Big Red One I believe would be Panzer Lehr's historic nemesis

2x Rifle Companies....1520 total
Each With
-Co HQ
-3x Full Rifle Platoons
-1x Weapons platoon with additional MG section

1x 81mm mortar platoon (3x mortar sections)..155
1x Battery of 105mm....185

1x TD Platoon of 4x M10s....285
2x Tank Platoon of 5x M4/M4A1 ea...640

1x 57mm platoon (3x) with 1x bazooka, trucks, and MG jeeps
1x 57mm platoon (3x) vanilla
Well that is great!!! Even that you would pay $2. I'm going to use this system also when the MG module is out. I have both the Market Garden books for FoW.

Do you mind if I take a new list. I'm already playing with this list vs someone else. You have 3000 points?
I'll look for a historicly opponent for the Big Red One.
I shall play a SS Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier list from the SS 2. Pz Div Das Reich

HQ, 2x panzerschreck, 3x SdKfz251/1

3x SS Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier platoon: each 1x HQ, 3x SS squad, 4x SdKfz251/1

1x SS Panzergrenadier platoon: 1x HQ, 3x SS squad

Armoured SS Mortar platoon: HQ, 2x observer, 2x kubelwagen, 4x 8cm mortar (on map), 4x SdKfz251/2 (mortar)

SS Anti tank platoon: HQ, 3x PaK40

SS tank platoon: 5x PzIVH

SS tank platoon: 5x PzIVH

SS Medium howitzer (off board): 4x 10.5cm howitzer, 2x observer, 2x kubelwagen

Heavy Flak platoon: HQ, 2x Flak88

2960 points

Your force is Confident Veteran. In CMBN this means they shall be High Veteran (motivation/experience)
My force is Fearless Verteran. In CMBN they shall be Extreme Veteran (motivation/experience)

The map shall have 2 objectives. 1 defended by you and 1 defended by me. Mission is to grap the other objective.

If you agree to this I shall create the scenario:

Clear sky
1h 30min
Elite setting
random leadership (only the highest CO shall be +2, Crack Elite
I've noticed you don't have your obeservers writen down but don't worry. I shall add them :)
Forgive the ignorance, but I seem to have missed the part where I understand how Flames of War/Easyarmy is explained. I'm curious as to how this works, would someone care to enlighten me?
Forgive the ignorance, but I seem to have missed the part where I understand how Flames of War/Easyarmy is explained. I'm curious as to how this works, would someone care to enlighten me?

There was no explanation. But I shall give one soon. I have 3 battle's like these to set up this evening ;)
Long story short: There are the Flames of War books. They have various army lists with historically correct OOBs concerning what those organizations had in support, how supporting arms were configured etc. So, if you want to see what a rifle company from the 29th Infantry would look like, there it is.

And you can buy those elements at a point cost. X for a platoon, Y for the BN mortar platoon, Z for the regimental anti-tank guns...
Thanks mate!

I'll start working on our battle tomorrow. I'm of to bed. Need to get up @05:30h (it is 22:00h atm)

The Big Red One I believe would be Panzer Lehr's historic nemesis

2x Rifle Companies....1520 total
Each With
-Co HQ
-3x Full Rifle Platoons
-1x Weapons platoon with additional MG section

1x 81mm mortar platoon (3x mortar sections)..155
1x Battery of 105mm....185

1x TD Platoon of 4x M10s....285
2x Tank Platoon of 5x M4/M4A1 ea...640

1x 57mm platoon (3x) with 1x bazooka, trucks, and MG jeeps
1x 57mm platoon (3x) vanilla

Alright here's the thing. Some options are not "legal". I have made your list as far as possible with the options you gave. You have 1905 points. This means you have 1095 points left. I have the list in my email. I've you sent me your email (PM me) I shall email the list to you. You can then see what options you have left.
I've PM'd you the e-mail, but all of those selections come straight from the 1st ID Rifle list..I may be misunderstanding this.
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