CMBO/BB vet returning



Gentlemen, its good to be back. Played a lot of CMBO/BB up until 2004ish and recently started playing CMBN again. The game is as good as it ever was! Have always enjoyed double blind multiplayer scenarios (regardless of balance) the most fun and educational and will be looking for like-minded individuals to play with.

I reside in the lovely state of Idaho, in the United States.

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Ahhhhh an 'Old Timer' ............ Welcome and Enjoy, I am sure you will find what you are looking for here... and if you are interested, pick out a few different battle(s) and email me, (I have played a lot of them), then we can select one and I will drop you an invite to dropbox and we shall play....:)
Welcome to the Club FGM broskiier Good to have you with us plenty going on here, We recommend you read the Links to the site take a look I am sure you will find them useful,
The Few Good Men are welcoming you to enjoy your stay with us....
If you have an opinion or subject for any of the Forums please join
in the Chat......
You will find a lot of interesting people here, who are sharing your hobby and we are proud of being far more than just a platform for finding war-gaming opponents.

If you have any questions or need some help with the site, please feel free to contact our official welcome committee members Hedgehog or Shorker. We will be happy to assist you. Just click on the names in the members list or underneath the avatar picture and then on "Start A Conversation" or reply

Would you fancy a Big Historical Scenario? There are two in the Commonwealth module I'd like to play, Breaking the Panzers and Through the Loop., and Huzzar from the base game.

Would you fancy a Big Historical Scenario? There are two in the Commonwealth module I'd like to play, Breaking the Panzers and Through the Loop., and Huzzar from the base game.
Huzzar is just plain awesome, played it from each side twice... GeorgeMC did a hellava job on that one....
WELCOME back old man, we've kept things tidy and bright whilst you were away.

Just a couple of changes you might need to be made aware of:
1. All newbies (not posted in last 5yrs) MUST write a 500 word plus essay on the joys of Bootie's website.
2. On the 3rd Thursday of every month we all pause for 24 hrs to remember the horrendous defeat of ******** (He who must not be named - in case he knows our address) in a unprovoked and completely co-incidental Tornado in Bristol.
3. Not all the new members of the FGM are quite as sane as you may be used to - tread with care :)
Here's, everyone and thanks for the game invites I've had.

@Theo, I'm focusing on smaller engagements for now as I'm still getting back into the swing of things.

@Fred, sure I'll pick one and get back to you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hello mate, welcome to THE FEW GOOD MEN!
Good to have you with us! :)
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