CMRT Game, please.



Good evening,

I would like a PBEM CMRT game, please. I also have drop box if I can figure it out so as to make the process smooth. Advice on that would be welcome.

Don't mind scenario or quick battle.

I could take one. Will send you a mail with suggestion.

Dropbox manual use:

Once the game folder is shared on Dropbox with your opponent, you need to copy received game files from Dropbox folder to "Incoming Email" in "My Docs\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Red Thunder\Game Files"
To play your turn, you go to "Saved Games", then save it when finished.
Copy the file from "Outgoing Email" to the shared Dropbox folder and that's it.
You have to manually delete old files from Dropbox folder.
It's fine if you have one or two games going.

Or you can go to :

Once set up, CMH will automatically monitor your Dropbox folders for new game turns. When it sees a new file from one of your opponents, it automatically copies the game file into your incoming turn folder on your computer. CMH will then show as a turn available to play. As soon as the turn is played and saved, it will copy the new game file out to the Dropbox folder automatically, and flag the game as waiting for your opponent. You can also ask CMH to tidy your Dropbox folder by deleting automatically old files. There is also a chat function and a notes function applied to each game played.
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