Looking for opponent in CMRT.
No newbies and no rage quitters.
Battle size large.
Battle type attack.
Very dry ground conditions and daytime.
House rules:
No air due to the unhistorical accuracy and that AA do not even throw them of their aim. I have not heard that they have fixed this problems yet.
No artillery in attackers set up zon - unless the attacker set up fire positions adjecent to it, then it is fair to call for arty strike at that position.
No other house rules.
No newbies and no rage quitters.
Battle size large.
Battle type attack.
Very dry ground conditions and daytime.
House rules:
No air due to the unhistorical accuracy and that AA do not even throw them of their aim. I have not heard that they have fixed this problems yet.
No artillery in attackers set up zon - unless the attacker set up fire positions adjecent to it, then it is fair to call for arty strike at that position.
No other house rules.
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