CMRT Playtest Allies vs AI



Anyone interested in a playtest for some scenarios that I am putting together for a 18 Battle Campaign... Allies vs AI, all are Small, Medium force size though maps maybe large... All around 1 Hour in length...

Looking for feedback on playability and balance vs AI (so if it sucks just stop and say so...)

I would load these at TSDII but being part of a campaign I only would like a select few playtesters...

Started this campaign back in Dec of 2014, but hadnt touched it in a year until a few days ago...

Let me know via email or here and I will setup the file so you can grab it from Dropbox...

Thanks Denis, I sent you an email backl on your question about that PzIV(H) - Veteran, Normal, Fit, (-1) Leadership..... Hope this helps, remember that airfield is open
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