CMRT quick fight, HOO's interested?




Looking for a couple CMRT opponents to playtest some maps I designed before throwing them in the downloads section. 25+ turns, small OOB...oh yeah and no arty on deployment zones !


Looking for a couple CMRT opponents to playtest some maps I designed before throwing them in the downloads section. 25+ turns, small OOB...oh yeah and no arty on deployment zones !

Some good rules to abide by, these are recognized with in the Community

If defending you can't use any preplanned arty in the first turn.
If attacking you can use preplanned arty in the first turn.
In meeting engagements you can't use preplanned arty on setup zones or routes out of setup zones, but you can use preplanned arty elsewhere.
You can't buy any extra arty, except that which is organic to the main force purchased, unless negotiated before the battle starts.
I'm ready for a quick fight.
I can have a very good turn rate in medium size battles.
Choose side and let me know. Difficulty level : Elite .. Rarity : Strict .
I also agree with @Hedgehog rule set!
alright then, but beware the map may offer advantages/disadvantages while playing, it's a work in progress map.
Let's do it !

Ok. Choose a side, Elite level, Strict ON.. and sent an invitation to scarlatogianfranco at libero dot net.
No problem if not too much balanced map.. i prefer to be on the weak side in this case. I like battles against odds.

P.S. No night/dusk battles please !
ok, all settings chosen, Elite Level, Strict rarity, Meeting engagement in a devastated village with a small OOB, it should be fun to see how many turns it takes to turn my pixeltruppen into pixeldust.
If I can handle CM Helper properly, you should have an invite. Andiamo !
I only use Dropbox, no H2H helper.. no problem anyway.. I will open a thread for any in-game communication.
Have a good fight!

PS : No invite received for now.
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my mail server says scarlatogianfranco at libero dot net doesn't exist :(
sorry for not mentioning, it's a ME in a small devastated village. This is a map I made and in need of H2H playtesting to see if it's balanced or not. Beware I'm not very good at this, and if you take too may SMG guys it may be over by turn 12 :)

couple more things :
-the church and the guesthouse are worth 100pts
-the two biggest damaged blocks of buildings facing those buildings are worth 2x50pts by occupying them
OK, thanks for the info.Glad to playtest your map.
Didnt take SMG troops, just a Grenadier Coy backed up by some armour :)
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and my apologies we have to start again, I had set " medium " for the forces and I'm afraid there will be too many troops on that small map.
I just sent you another invite with another folder renamed " owl vs cargol II - 001" sorry for the issue

or we can play it with medium forces, as you wish, but beware of the carnage
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