CMRT small, medium QB battles



Couple of QB battles attack or defend.

I am aiming for a couple of battles with various force mix.
Count me in.
I'll play the Russians if you don't mind.
@Krieger yes. If you can play two battles one infanty the other mixed on the same map otherwise choose a battle and send the set up.

Use the same dropbox folder we are already using.
Andris have sent Dropbox invite and two files. If you are happy with the battles send set ups otherwise I am open to suggestions.
Bill, thanks.
Well... I prefer defense-attack battles as more natural ones, but in any case I didn't like the map. Looks highly artificial, like an American town without any place for manoevre.
I can choose smth else for a map (even if it is a ME) but that will take me some time.
Above all, I value in the CM series its naturallness. That's why I prefer perhaps less balanced but more interesting maps and scenarios rather than equal portion of square town blocks.
@Andris How about qb map Angriff Attack 083 or qb map Attack! Attack 084.

we play it mirrored the attacker has +25%.
I have settled another map already but it doesn't really matter.
Attack! Attack 084 isn't bad but I'd edit the map, it doesn't look very tidy.
Set up the qbs using the map you have chosen. Preview and attacker has +25%.

What would you do to Attack! Attack 084?
The map is drawn like a set of high flat tables on an even surface. I'd make it much smoother and I'd also add a lot of skmall details.
OK, let me do it with my file (a slightly modified village) and I'll send it back to you.
No arty nor aviation on the first turn for the defender, OK?
The files are there for several days. But now I doubt that we can have the German attack on the same map...
What about a scenario? I just played Tankodesantniki, it was jolly good.
OK, send the Tankodesantniki file.

It is your turn with the qb files. I processed them a few days ago.
I haven't got any files from you so far.
The TD file is in the dropbox folder.
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