CMSF - Can anyone give me some pointers???


The Fisher King

Ok I finally took the plunge after reading about the development of a WW2 version of CMSF. In preparation for its future launch I thought I#d start to get to grips with the game.

I've got to say I really like it, the individual characterisation of soliders is great. Watching them jump over walls and run into buildings really helps with the emersion.

The big that it's seems really difficult. My AP carriers get knocked out by RPGs as soon as I advance.

So if anyone else is playing out there, could you help teach a CMAK old dog new tricks?????
Well FisherKing was unable to make his objectives in this battle due to some well aimed artillery fire and a few rpg hits disabling all his armour leaving his infantry an impossible task of advancing without support.

In the end a CF was declared and the US retreated with the Syrians being awarded a major victory.

Now it is my turn to attack with the US against the Syrians... be interesting to see how we shape up as I find defending much easier.
My wounds have been licked and I'm ready for battle once more....
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