edited 2145 23/11/2015
- - - Started a new thread on House Rules in atte,mpt to NOT derail this thread - - -
The Blitz have a set of SUGGESTED QB rules (see below) to avoid the more blatant excesses. Quite like house rules myself.
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The Blitz's Combat Rules for QBs[draft] First of all,i must mention that what you're about to read are just guidelines. The club(or me) won't enforce in any way these set of rules. You can agree with your opponent to play by these rules,but if you don't,it's business as usual. I guess we have this tiny,but crucial detail settled!
Second,this is at the moment still a draft. There a a couple of details i'm not 100% sure about,so i'll need your input for settling it...
Why the need for these rules? Because nobody likes to be overrun by a Panther-only force in open-terrain or be otherwise exposed to what it's considered gamey gameplay. The goal is to create a balance setting,not one in which faulty purchase/rarity points can impact the game.
Ok,let's start:
1) Pre-planned arty strikes are forbidden in meeting-engagements or for the defending player in an attack-defense battle.
2) The axis player isn't allowed to purchase more than 2 Panthers/Tigers/JagdPanthers in a medium QB;the limit is 3 if it's a large QB.
3) The axis player isn't allowed to buy Tigers if the game played is CMFI.
4) The allied player isn't allowed to purchase more than 1 rocket battery.
5) At least 25-33% of your available points must be spent on infantry.
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Whilst i don't use all of these I would use some rules if I played QB's - very rare I do.
Anyone else interested in this I might start a new thread rather than continue the Hijack of this one