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Combat Mission...The irritation

Very annoying: you going for a big expensive übertank and when it comes against a couple of scrambling tanks of the opposition it just get hit once: on the track and causing an immobilisation.
At the moment i am doing a Bocage battle, I have got a spotter who as decided to mark time on the spot and he will just not move, sadly he is not in a good position for firing !!!!!!

Mutiny eh ? Shoot him on the spot !
At the moment i am doing a Bocage battle, I have got a spotter who as decided to mark time on the spot and he will just not move, sadly he is not in a good position for firing !!!!!!

Send me the file and password mate and i'll see if i can kickstart him..
pooroldspike at aol dotcom
Ok I think i've cracked it mate, the spotter IS moving but he's in the hedge and it's slowing him down so much that it looks like he's standing still, look-


I know it looks like he's in open ground, but check his small terrain readout window and you'll see it says 'hedge'.
Drag his movement away from the hedge and he'll be in open ground and will speed up..:)
It's the often un-used tungsten ammo that picks me.

Tungsten is no good against sloped armour or against flat armour at an oblique angle, and it's also no good at long range because of air drag.
That could explain why crews sometimes choose to fire AP instead, we've just got to trust them and hope they know what they're doing.
Sometimes they'll even fire HE at a tank instead of AP or tungsten, they must work out in their computerised minds which type of shell will do the most damage..
Sometimes they'll even fire HE at a tank instead of AP or tungsten, they must work out in their computerised minds which type of shell will do the most damage..

HE rounds are usually used as spotting rounds. It says something about it in the manual
...and how does a vehicle get bogged on a straight peice of road...often puzzled me on that...
Russian tanks that couldnt hit a cow in the ass with a snow shovel drives me nuts..... :smash:
HE rounds are usually used as spotting rounds. It says something about it in the manual

Cmbb manual page 44-

"Your units decide, based on your orders and the type of
target they are about to fire at, which ammo type to use.
You cannot order a tank specifically to fire tungsten ammo, for example.
The tank commander is responsible for the choice of ammo and usually tries to first
fire some regular rounds to bracket the target.
The tank commander uses special ammo once a hit is likely to be
achieved, but only when the standard type proves

Also from p44-

Tungsten Core
"Known by the Germans as PzGr40 (Panzergranate 40).
This type of projectile is lighter than a standard AP round
and can be fired at a higher muzzle velocity.
It has a high density shatter-resistant metal core (usually made of
tungsten) with greatly improved penetrative power against
The drawback to tungsten ammo is that its smaller
(core) caliber and lighter shell mass mean that kinetic
energy is lost more rapidly over long distances, and the
shell has a tendency to ricochet off steeply sloped armor.
But the increase in velocity and shell strength almost
always make up for these drawbacks.
Tungsten is a relatively expensive material meaning these shells are
generally rare. By 1944 Germany suffered from a severe
shortage of tungsten and other metals, and so had virtually
no PzGr40 available."
...and how does a vehicle get bogged on a straight peice of road...often puzzled me on that...

I've even had tracked vehs bog/immob on good paved roads in dry weather, so maybe 'bogging' can also mean a thrown or broken track.