Combat Mission Victory Calculator (For Scenario Designers)


Staff member
Nov 28, 2011
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
Firstly apologies to @Bootie, I got distracted with this little problem before finalising the OOC moves.

One for the scenario designers. I've been thinking about that dormant Carpiquet campaign I really want to get done and realised it's a bit hard to test objectives and victory point levels I want to set before committing. Unless they are a maths genius, scenario designers have to wait for the testing phase to truly see any results.

So I created a calculator to do it for me...

This little tool allows you to mix and match any variation of objectives available inside the CM editor. You can assign varying victory point level and the 'theoretical score' the player will achieve to play a bit of a what if game so you can see all the possible outcomes. (ie. What would happen if I lowered the 'Church' objective by 50 pts for the allies?) Can be used either way with the Blue or Red Force being the 'player.' Just like the game it calculates from the highest score. See Page 82 of the CM 3.0 manual for more details. The additional requirements required the higher degrees of victory are also included in the considerations for the final calculation.

All calculations are done on the fly each time you enter a new value. You'll see a 'red cell' if you stuff up by having more points awarded to the player than you plan to assign in a scenario.

You can get a copy here:
*Edit* Scroll down for new version. :) *Edit*

She's not a very pretty dame to take to the school ball, but could use some testing to see if she can dance. :)
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Excellent product. Where do you find the time to come up with all your brilliant ideas?
Boring Friday afternoons at work. :p

I do economic modelling for a job so working out formulas and logical setups like this is sort of a skill after all these years. Don't ask me to do anything artistic like modding the game itself. :)
@Berto - Not sure what the check box would accomplish. Just something cosmetic right? The calculations are currently worked out from the values in the cells and doesn't require any checking of boxes. Blank cells are treated as zeros so have no effect.
Guys @Berto has discovered a little error with the key formula and made the correction. See link below for updated version. (v1.2) Mission Victory Calculator v1.2.xlsx

And for those wondering here is the formula in question. :D
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