Computer update problems


My pc is with the computer repair guy. Should be fixed on Monday.
Status update:

Pc still not fixed... Just got a call that it will be fixed tomorrow *fingers crossed*
Good news! I have my computer back. Sad news... I need to re install all games :(
If you re-download the games from BFC, I think they are all bundled up now into one big file, so you don't have to install all the modules/ect. separately. You still have to enter the license keys.

Just FYI ... this applies only to CMBN at the moment, AFAIK.

This uses the "master installer" concept, whereby when you (re)download a "version 3" copy of CMBN you get a 10 gig file which includes all the content up to v 3.11 and the Vehicle Pack. (BF intend to, but have not yet, AFAIK, also add v3.12 and the Battle Pack as well; so that the master installer file will always has all the current content.)

Then when you install from this master installer, you first enter your v3 base game key to activate the base game, then use the "activate shortcut" to use, one key at a time, the other module and pack keys you have, to unlock all of the content you have bought. And all right up date ... apart from you still need to do the patch to v3.12 "manually", I think, for now.

The other games don't yet do this: but of course besides CMBN it's only CMFI that has a module; so far that still needs to be downloaded and activated "the old way".

But even with eg CMRT, without a module, BF still makes the current download to be the latest version: so that you get CMRT v1.03 as the download now, rather than getting v1.00 and then having to patch it immediately.
Seems like alot of work... All my mods need to be reinstalled to :(
Will do this asap...
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