Couple of minor (positive) observations on the 1.10 Patch


Lt. Smash

I played my first scenario with CW this morning and was pleasantly surprised by a two enhancements provided by the 1.10 patch. I then went back and verified my eyes weren't deciving me by comparing 1.10 to 1.01:

Loading 29% is a thing of the past. Playing on my laptop (2-year-old ThinkPad) meant that I kept my graphic settings low and spent a lot of time staring at the "Loading 29%" screen. Change Log says that "Scenarios load faster when 3D Texture Quality option is set to Balanced or any faster". I was pleasantly surprised at (a) how quickly my scenario loaded and (b) that the progress bar showed progress (it didn't get stuck at Loading 29%). I loaded up several CMBN scenarios to see how much things improved and I was shocked. For example, loading Bois de Baugin took 1 minute, 11.5 seconds to load with 1.01. With 1.10, it took 35.5 seconds. This type of improvement seems average. What a treat!

Generally, game play performance felt faster on my old laptop with 1.10 than with 1.01. For example, my laptop often stutters or pauses when panning the camera either from the ground level or from a higher vantage point. Panning was noticeably faster with the same scenario in 1.10. I haven't played enough to say that framerates are faster but the overall feeling is more "zippy"...if that makes sense.

Movement paths are visible above the trees. In 1.00/1.01, the movementh paths disappear below the trees. This makes keeping trees on, and makes viewing just the trunks very useful. However, I felt that you lost some immersion in the game with those stubby trunks nearby.

And for those that care, my first scenario with the Brits was "18 Platoon" this is the first scenario in the list of new scenarios and it is Tiny (please note that my comments about performance were verified using large and huge scenarios). I got handed a minor defeat against the AI on Iron primarily because it took me too long to get to the objective and I didn't have time to clear the objective before time ran out. However, it was a fun scenario with a wonderfully lush map. Hedgrows included lots of breaks (making it easy to find multiple routes across the map), contours were many and realistic, and the designer's use of flavor objects and burned out/destroyed vehicles added loads to the ambiance of the mission. If this is any indication of how the scenario designers have progressed since CMBN was released, CW is going to be a lot of fun.

It still takes me 3+ minutes to load a file. I have a laptop less then 2 years old.
No cows... have you not see the Nazi Cowtruppen??


I played my first scenario with CW this morning and was pleasantly surprised by a two enhancements provided by the 1.10 patch. I then went back and verified my eyes weren't deciving me by comparing 1.10 to 1.01:

Loading 29% is a thing of the past. Playing on my laptop (2-year-old ThinkPad) meant that I kept my graphic settings low and spent a lot of time staring at the "Loading 29%" screen. Change Log says that "Scenarios load faster when 3D Texture Quality option is set to Balanced or any faster". I was pleasantly surprised at (a) how quickly my scenario loaded and (b) that the progress bar showed progress (it didn't get stuck at Loading 29%). I loaded up several CMBN scenarios to see how much things improved and I was shocked. For example, loading Bois de Baugin took 1 minute, 11.5 seconds to load with 1.01. With 1.10, it took 35.5 seconds. This type of improvement seems average. What a treat!

I too also see a big improvement in the loading time. I do not have exact loading times but I did run a few PBEM games that I loaded before and the difference is definitely noticeable. I am not sure on the effect on gameplay though.
Thanks Bootie, now where are they on the playing field?
In my reading about the Normandy Campaign, there are a few references to the ubiquitous cows alive and dead in the AO.
@Lt. Smash, glad you are enjoying it mate. I'm still waiting on your turn in our new CW game, I hope all is well...
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