Cranky Pants

My cranky pants are pulled up high and belt tightened. Why? SLOW/NO PLAY!
I only have three games going at the moment, all tournament games.

Last weekend, Friday through Sunday (and today for that matter) I rec'd a total of TWO game files. TWO!
Damn it, if you aren't going to play, for whatever reason you happen to have, DON'T SIGN UP FOR TOURNAMENTS!
It's selfish and disrespectful to your fellow FGM members.
In two recent tournaments I've had people drop out, causing me to suffer poor scores for their negligence.
I will never play these people again in a tournament (or otherwise for that matter). If I get them in a random draw in a future tournament I will take a total defeat forfeit rather than sit here and wait forever to (maybe) get a file from them.
I'm making a list. Just sayin'.
Greetings mTk,
while waiting care for a game?
I m on leave at the moment so i can send multiple files.
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