Day at the fair



My wife and I went to the state fair and one of the first exhibits we stopped at was the breeding bulls. We went up to the first pen and there was a sign attached that said:



My wife playfully nudged me in the ribs ...smiled

and said, 'He mated 50 times last year.'

We walked to the second pen which had a sign

attached that said,



My wife gave me a healthy jab and said, 'WOW~~That's more

than twice a week! .........You could learn a lot from him.'

We walked to the third pen and it had a sign attached that

said, in capital letters,



My wife was so excited that her elbow nearly broke my ribs, and

said, 'That's once a day. You could REALLY learn something from this one.'

I looked at her and said, 'Go over and ask him if it

was with the same old cow every time.'


My condition has been upgraded from critical to stable, and I should eventually make a full recovery.
What on God's green earth would mate with you POS? LOL ;)

Well I've had high hopes that Ruth in the corner shop might want to give it a go, I've known her for years and we get on great, but because she's a married woman with a teenage daughter I never pushed it, however I've been praying her marriage would break up so I could make my move.
The good news is her marriage DID break up (thank you God) a couple of months ago, but the bad news is she then went to live with some bloke in Essex who she met on the internet (sniffle)
Well I've had high hopes that Ruth in the corner shop might want to give it a go, I've known her for years and we get on great, but because she's a married woman with a teenage daughter I never pushed it, however I've been praying her marriage would break up so I could make my move.
The good news is her marriage DID break up (thank you God) a couple of months ago, but the bad news is she then went to live with some bloke in Essex who she met on the internet (sniffle)

POS I hope you were joking that you wished/prayed her marriage would break up? What ever happened to "let no man put a sunder" the marriage . That would not be very christian sir.;) If it is done tongue in cheek then I tip my hat.;)
Actually it was a 'three-in-one' prayer bundle-
1- That her marriage breaks up
2- That she stops smoking
3- That she falls crazily in love with me.

Only part 1 worked so on the whole it was only partially successful.
Now I'd better start praying that her relationship with her new boyfriend goes up the spout in the hope that she comes back to Plymouth and moves in with me.
I mean, I doubt her hub and daughter will take her back after she deserted them.
I shall tell her "Sure you can move in with me darling as soon as you give up smoking"..:)
But also gives creedence to the power of prayer. ;)

Yes sometimes it works, sometimes not.
For example in his autobiography David Niven says that as a schoolboy he used to pray every night that his maths teacher would drop dead before the Friday maths lesson, but he never did snuff it.
In fact I used to do the same thing except that I prayed that ALL my teachers would drop dead, but none ever did.
But I've got some consolation when I see their occasional obituaries in the paper years later and think "Good, dead at last you old b*stard, now rot in hell!"
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