Dear Mum & Dad

Dear Mum and Dad,

You'll be happy to hear that I have left my black boyfriend.

I know you both didn't approve of him because of his race
And the fact that he is ten years older than me.

I have found, as you suggested, a nice white English boy the same
Age as me, while touring in Germany .

Attached is a recent photo of the two of us.
He's looking forward to meeting you both.

Your loving daughter,

Ahhhh....the freedom of expression...what a wonderful thing!
Earl, who you been hangin' with recently? :pound:

Earlier life. I met a few of these Goths (some true and some not) and once tried to become one myself. Not something I want to repeat.

Lately I have been hanging with my firends mostly - but those are pretty weird, too. :whistle:
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