Desert Camo

Seconded. Looks nice and fitting. The green of the buttons might be a bit too bright, but overall it looks mighty fine!
Seconded. Looks nice and fitting. The green of the buttons might be a bit too bright, but overall it looks mighty fine!

Yes the green buttons are a bit jarring, maybe a brownish colour would blend in more with the overall scheme.
But i like Desert Camo and have made it my default..:)
I think it might be an acquired taste. When I first looked at it, I wasn't too taken with it but I left it as my default. Over the past few days I've gotten more accustomed to it and have no plans of changing it back. It does seem to fit the theme of the place nicely.

Hope I didn't come off as too critical, Bootie. I've only been here a couple of weeks but I am very pleased and impressed with the entire operation. You do a great job, Sir and I thank you for all the work you put in to making all of our experience here so enjoyable.
Bootie's very good at tweaking the forum software, other colour schemes he might like to consider are-

WW2 US Army olive drab:- 3 bands graded from 1- dark green for the narrow band along the top and bottom of posts, 2-medium green for the avatar title band, and 3- light green for the main post page area

WW2 Panzer grey:- 3 graded bands consisting of dark, medium and light panzer grey.

WW2 German Infantry field grey:- 3 graded bands of field grey (ie uniform grey with a touch of green)

WW2 British:- 3 bands of graded brown shades with merest tinge of greeny-yellow.

WW2 Russian:- 3 graded brown bands

Incidentally I'd suggest deleting the camo pattern from Desert Camo and renaming it 'WW2 Desert Camo'.
Then the camo pattern can be used for another scheme called 'Modern Desert Camo'..:)

Anybody else got any colour suggestions to put before our beloved Commander?
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