Do anybody has a tip...


FGM Major
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
...for me how I can fix the units in an operation/scenario for more as 10 or 15 rounds? Even if I fix the units the whole mob of the defenders rushs into my attackers at latest after the 15th round. And if You don´t place flags the defenders walk or drive in the middle of the map - it is to become crazy. :( I had the problem before years and solved it - but can´t remember me how I did it. And can´t find the scenario where I solved it. Short and sweet - this are my questions:

1.) How can I fix units till they have contact with my attackers?
2.) Are there differences between scenarios and operations for fixing units? And which ones are this?
3.) How can I prevent the stupid walking of the defenders to the middle of the map if I don´t set flags?

Would be nice if anybody could help me!

Greetings Comrades! :usa2:
If it's a Meeting Engagement, perhaps the computer-controlled units will walk to the middle of the map?
If it's an Attack or Assault or Probe, the defender will stay static to protect the flags.
Flags help the computer-units decide what to do.
If there are no flags, the computer units may be confused.
@POS: Thanks for Your information! Will etst if it was the problem.

@Bootie: I talked about the AI of the defenders in a one player scenario/operation. So the AI is the defender.

Greetings :)
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