Does this make sense?



Last Night I was thinking about all the years I have been wargaming, and it occured to me why I like CMBN so much.

When I was younger there were the table top games produced by S&T/SPI and if they were any good they were picked up by AH and others... and to break these down you had

Many Strategic Level Games
Some Operational Based Games
and a Few Tactical Games (Yes I know all games have tactics)

When SPI game out with Fast Carriers it was labeled as the first game that was Strategic, Operational, and Tactical game play, and when they produced Patrol (later after many modifications this became Squad Leader) it was done to a finite Tactical level.

With the advent of computer gaming the same structure developed..but until CMBO came out there was no real tactical simulation on the market at a small unit level, thus the true Wargaming jumped on this and the CMx1 engine.

Eventually companies saw the need for FPS and RTS games and the market got flooded.

Now that CMBN (or really the CMx2 engine, but unfortunately the CMSF game wasnt a hit due to many early growing pains) has been refined, we have what in my opinion could never have been achieved while sitting over my little counters years ago. All that I view now on the screen was something I use to think about in my mind when playing games. I believe that is the reason for people who have a plain dislike for the game (cause it doesnt fit their images) or players that like it... it is not a FPS, it is not really that good of a RTS in my opinion, but it brings to the table some of what it must have been like in those fields and hedgerows of the Norman Battlefields... We are talking about the true wargaming, not the person who says I don't want to deal with UI, or my tank got bogged, so this is a dumb game... I appreciate all wargames, and try to play all the demos out there especially anything operational or tactical... Heck if I didnt want to deal with a UI, I never would have found CMx1, or for that I wouldnt have found y'all here... These little problems within a product, are within all products (do you remember counters that had print problems, half a number off the counter or somefink like that, heck that didnt stop me from playing)

Sorry Guys, Just rambling but this kept me up last night... plus all the pain killers didnt help... anyone have an opinion, I need to do a sanity check...:der:
Well Rick I love the game to. It is not the best RTS ever (SCII and Warcraft is) but I like the settings and I believe when the DLC's come this game will rock.

Ps: BFC please give us the Eastern front DLC :hurt:
Well I have to agree with the OP.

CMBN is not a game that you jump into quickly - more so if you play against real people. Its not for everyone and therein lies its appeal.

I dont agree with my friend DG - comparing CMBN to SCII or Warcraft is like comparing apples and pears. They dont look the same, dont taste the same and dont eat the same ! Those are also good games, not better just different. The closest current game imo to CMBN would be TOW2&3. And even here there are huge differences.
I dont agree with my friend DG - comparing CMBN to SCII or Warcraft is like comparing apples and pears. They dont look the same, dont taste the same and dont eat the same ! Those are also good games, not better just different. The closest current game imo to CMBN would be TOW2&3. And even here there are huge differences.

Well I did not really ment to compare those 2 games with CMBN. I was just trying to make a statement saying that CMBN is not really a good RTS. TOW I never played. Did the demo but did not like it.
Last Night I was thinking about all the years I have been wargaming, and it occured to me why I like CMBN so much.

When I was younger there were the table top games produced by S&T/SPI and if they were any good they were picked up by AH and others... and to break these down you had.

My first boardgame was AH Midway...couldn't find anyone to play again. I later collected hunderds of SPI, AH and other game company boardgames. I remember molding my own miniature figures for wargaming and painting zillion of them. Wargaming has been and still is a great hobby.

Well I did not really ment to compare those 2 games with CMBN. I was just trying to make a statement saying that CMBN is not really a good RTS. TOW I never played. Did the demo but did not like it.

You might want to revisit TOW. Check out the forum over at BF. A pretty good modder over there is doin a redux of the first two games into the TOW3 game. Basically porting over all of the WW2 material into the Vietnam series. TOW3 has alot more features than the first two. A better game in my opinion.
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