Dutch anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders goes on trial

  • Thread starter Bert Blitzkrieg
  • Start date
I would put a comment , but it would cause problems if I did :)
It´s as in Germany - if You say something against a foreigner (especially turks, arabs and so on) You will named a Nazi. Even if that what You said is right. I wouldn´t have a problem with that kind of foreigners if they would judged as the germans. But what they do we have to see always in a context of their mentality. To such nonsense I have to say two things. One - Mentality is made of people and not the other way around. Two - I´m sorry for the older generations of foreigners who built up Germany again after the war and for these who have to fled and a really reason to search shelter. But these ones hold our law and traditions in respect. So I can respecct their traditions and laws. I´m always glad if such people see Germany as their new home(land). But they have to suffer too - only because of the stupid and arrogant criminals. So I have to ask one question to the last - Why the criminal foreigners who cried always Nazi, Nazi came and come to Germany if there are only Nazis and bad guys?

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