Dynamic ladder action



This is a good example of the dynamic nature of the FGM ladder system, where people can rocket up it at the drop of a hat.
A couple of days ago Von Reich was near the bottom with zero wins, but after just beating me with a total victory he gets 30 points and has gone up the ladder like a bat out of hell (below).
(10 points for his tot vic plus a triple bounty bonus for beating the ladder leader=30 points. Not a bad haul from just a single game..:))


This is how Von Reich did it, he killed all my 10x Stugs for the loss of only 5 of his mostly T-34/76's-

PS- Newcomers should also be aware that apart from getting triple bounty points for gunning down a ladder leader, they get double points from beating anybody in spots 2nd to 5th)
I am waiting to collect a nice little bonus on 2054172s head! I have two games going against him in the Last Man Standing tourney and am satisfied that I will win both. That will be a nice little point hall for me. Good news for me, I should be home tonight hopefully when I get there my inbox will have a couple turns from him waiting for me.
Lord Bane
Another thing worth mentioning for newcomers is that with the FGM ladder nobody ever loses points for losing.
For example Von Reich's 30 points stays in his pocket forever even if he loses games in the future.
He will of course add to it with points from future wins and draws. (yes even draws score points for both players)
That's why it's called an "everything to gain, nothing to lose" ladder, the only way is UP as you build up your score..:)

Sad to say LB may be correct...I have to kick myself in the a$$ for these two battles LOL
To be fair, you took a great handicap when you agreed to mirror that game..

For people who are wondering, I'd already scraped a win when I had T-34's in the first game, so for this mirror we agreed that I'd buy exactly the same German armour as he did, which was a mix of 10x Stugs with long and short guns, but as we saw, his T-34's ran rings round them (sniffle)
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