Elvis Never Did No Drugs!

i dont think that I will ever watch a Penn & Teller show any more....
A couple of losers-

"Penn & Teller have also shown support for the [atheist] Brights movement and are now listed on the movement's homepage under the Enthusiastic Brights section.
According to an article in Wired magazine, their license plates are customized so they read, "Atheist" and "Godless", and when Penn signs autographs, he often writes down, "there is no God" with his signature"

Nice one.
To bad it won't affect anybody to reconsider that religious crap...
I want to be somewhere close when they will be in a case of need i m sure that the first words
coming from their mouth will be Jesus help me and Virgin Mary.Good for them that in Christian Religion
there is place also for people like these.
two lost souls......and there will be a moment when they will desperately reconsider..."I never saw an atheist in a foxhole"
I would hope that he chose not to....evil warped his sense of judgement.
Wait! I feel a deeply profound article coming on! Here's a little tale I've woven around an incident involving a man we'll call Rufus..

Rufus could feel death creeping up on him.
His heart pounded painfully as he struggled for breath, and in his final minutes he closed his eyes and looked back over his life.
Born in the slums to a prostitute mother who gave him away at birth, and an unknown Roman soldier father, he grew up constantly getting in trouble, his philosophy was dog eat dog in this world and all that matters is looking after number one, because nobody else will, that's for sure, and he did it all, lying, stealing, mugging, burglary, fraud, violence..
Now he knew his dead body would be thrown into an unmarked grave before the day was out, and that he'd quickly fade from human memory, unremembered and forgotten as if he'd never existed, having never done a single good thing for anybody in his life nor given anybody reason to lament his passing..
The thought of entering that black void of death made him shiver deep in his soul,and he felt a cold clammy fear like he'd never known before.
He opened his eyes, and pulling against the nails in his hands and feet, he turned to the young man on the cross next to him and said with sobbing panicking repentance in his voice "Jesus remember me..."
And Jesus replied "Today you'll be with me in Paradise..."
(Luke 23:41)

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