Europe and Human Right's

Here we go again Europe Human right's gone mad, They say that prisoner's should have the right to vote in the UK ......Hello aren't you a criminal, haven't you made some one's life hell and you think we should allow you to join in with society as though you haven't done any thing wrong.

I am sure some one with nothing to do sit's down and think's what shall we F**K up today
I also agree, but for us here in New Zealand our big debate is about the debt one must pay to society. Our penalties here are too weak, if you get under 2 years, they serve half, if they get over but less than 7 they do 2/3rds. Crap. The maximum penalty for murder is 17 years, utter BS.
I also agree, but for us here in New Zealand our big debate is about the debt one must pay to society. Our penalties here are too weak, if you get under 2 years, they serve half, if they get over but less than 7 they do 2/3rds. Crap. The maximum penalty for murder is 17 years, utter BS.

New Zealand has a friendly society ? The penalties seem fairly low, I agree.
In the Netherlands the maximum penalty is life imprisonment (real life, not a number of years) and it is given more then say ten years ago, when it was very, very rarely sentenced. Although the maximum possible penalty is life, the second maximum is 20 years...
I also agree, but for us here in New Zealand our big debate is about the debt one must pay to society. Our penalties here are too weak, if you get under 2 years, they serve half, if they get over but less than 7 they do 2/3rds. Crap. The maximum penalty for murder is 17 years, utter BS.

We were similar regarding sentence's, what warms my Heart now when the Judge say's you will serve a sentence of minium 35 years, plus this good behaviour lark we will let you out only doing half your sentence, it should be more the case of, if you misbehave matey you will do double
Do you also have "probation leave". When the end of the sentence nears you can leave the jail for a couple of hours (it rises nearing the release) to get accustomed to the life outside again. A few convicts decide to not bother to come back from their leave...
No probation leave is not here in NZ, but prisoners get out before Christmas if they have a small sentence, this means that some times they don't even do half the sentence. OMFG.

IMHO, life should mean life, 2 years should be 2 years or what ever.
As far as I am concerned, if a person elects to commit a crime, they have elected to break the law, opt out of society's rules of proper behavior and, thereby, have elected to live outside the law. (Hence the term "outlaw.") Why should anyone be permitted to select which rules of civilization they choose to live by, while at the same time be permitted to select which rules they choose to ignore. You are either all the way in, or you are all the way out. If you choose to abandon society's laws, then you have opted out of the benefits provided by those laws ... including the ability to vote.

Just me two cents.
The human rights protect all the wrong people. Just look at a couple of our Muslim friends found guilty but can not be sent to USA because they will have a full life sentence , so Europe say that is againts their human rights!!
Well, the dutch are certainly doing something right:

Also I think Biddermans comment is a bit unfair, you're only ever going to hear about the handful of cases where the Human Rights act protects the wrong people, it's not really news worthy when it protects the vast majority of people every single day.

As to whether prisoners should have the vote, I'm a bit torn, on the one hand the points made by people here are good ones, you break the law you lose your right to vote. On the other hand it could be a useful tool in rehabilitation, so perhaps if the prisoner is participating and doing well in other rehabilitation programs then the right to vote could be a privilige that is earn't.
Interesting vid there Jonny. But what are the laws like in Holland ? Are they soft or do they have a better bunch of citizen.
Interesting vid there Jonny. But what are the laws like in Holland ? Are they soft or do they have a better bunch of citizen.

Probably a mix of both, countries with low crime rates such as the scandanavians and the dutch have what many people would describe as "soft" prison systems, I can't remember the country but there's one where they let you take your family with you to prison, but these countries tend to put a greater emphasis on rehabilitation. It's amazing how much of the crime is committed by repeat offenders, if you can stop them offending again you take down the crime rate dramatically.

Hundreds, hell thousands of years of draconian punishments have proved ineffective, you can't scare everyone into compliance, but if you can help them see the error of their ways then they might be able to make a positive input into society instead of a negative one or a life behind bars. I think we need a bit more rationality and a bit less emotion when it comes to dealing with criminals
Here prisoners to vote and that 70% of the prison population is processed.

Thats quite shameful that the turnout for prisoners in your country is higher than the general population in ours
So, according to that video, the US have 2 million prisoners on a population of about 300 million. We have 12.000 prisoners on a population of 16 million.

Funny that we're called a "socialist nation". According to the leftwing politicians here, we're a central right country. But, for most Americans I guess we let the government to do to much governing, so for them we will be socialists....
Like I always say- change begins at the polling stations.
"A vote is like a rifle, useless in the wrong hands"- F. D. Roosevelt

So if you want a Party that will crack down on law or order, they're the ones to vote for.
Sadly here in Britain the main parties are incompetent and corrupt, yet people keep voting for them time and time again, and it makes me wonder which are the bigger dickheads, the politicians or the people who vote for 'em..:)

"Which is the greater fool, the fool or the fool who follows him?" Obi-Wan Kenobi
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